New pics of my blaster. almost there.....

super noober

Can't Stop, Won't Stop!
Feb 17, 2009
upstate ny
here she is afer a bath this morning. still need a seat cover but its coming along. im proud of the money ive spent on her, only a bit over $500 total and i put in all new bearings, bushings, fresh top end, blah blah blah. oh yeah and 7 months of time lol I:I I:I


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look like u need to get usdelf sum floor boards..those plastic heel guards werent made to dangle around....just sayin
haha, yeah i know but if you look close you'll see that my frame is sooooo old it does not have the tabs to mount them up. so i have to fab some up, but also my footpegs are old and dont match up with the floorboards. i will say that ever without the platforms the heel gaurds are helpfull, i can feel when my heel hits them. better than nothin.... lol I:I I:I
lol my bad get them damn things on! You don't want to end up like awk.

got any pegs that the platforms will fit on? i guess thats the main snag in putting them on. if so shoot me a pm with a price shipped to 18818. i think ill go look in the for sale section also.
Now your bike looks gooooood! thanks for the pic, what light is that you used?

thanks dude, that light is a tractor light i got from tractor supply for $11. its got real thick glass (since its for a tractor) and quite bright. i have another one but i was in a hurry to go riding and only fabbed up one bracket so far.
lol my bad get them damn things on! You don't want to end up like awk.

hey noob, "captain america's" lookin good, nice job bro, how's it runnin now?? and sumthin 'bout that one round light looks cool to me, i wouldnt add the other one, watch your wattage if you do, not over 55watts combined
and nice to see my accident/story is remembered and maybe help someone else not get hurt, btw, im walkin around now, 14 weeks of hobblin sucked
hey noob, "captain america's" lookin good, nice job bro, how's it runnin now?? and sumthin 'bout that one round light looks cool to me, i wouldnt add the other one, watch your wattage if you do, not over 55watts combined
and nice to see my accident/story is remembered and maybe help someone else not get hurt, btw, im walkin around now, 14 weeks of hobblin sucked

thanks awk, glad the ole foot is coming along. looks like im getting some newer pegs from cmh so ill have my guards on soon. i kinda like the single light myself too, and its plenty bright. that light is 35 watts and i got another one that only uses 20 so im dead on there, but like i said im liking the single. quad is running like a top, ive had some issues with my head studs pulling out but mr. heli coil and mr lock tite gave em the attitude adjustment they needed.I:I got it jetted with a 250 and moved the needle down a clip. im yet to top it out but ive got alot of top end.