new here but building a mean one


Apr 5, 2013
Knox, PA
well id like to start off by sayin im originally from Pittsburgh but have been all over due to being in the military, im currently serving in Afghanastan(only a few more months!). I have a 2004 blaster that I have bought so much for while being here and cant wait to build it up when I get back...bought so far: tusk nerf bars, tusk handle bars, maier racing hood, keihin 28mm pwk carb, +4 extended swingarm, tusk front tires/sti tech 4 rears(18in), v force reeds, trinity pipe and silencer, custom black and white seat with "white trash" on it haha,Rath racing mx bumper, 14 tooth front spocket, 4 in wheel spacers all around, custom checkered decals and metal mulisha decals..prob forgetting a lot. When I get out of the military in Jan 2014 I want to put in a +4 stroker, head mill, and have it p+p by KOR....thanks and I love all the knowledgable ppl on here!I:I
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First off thanks for defending our country.

Sounds like its going to be a nice build. There are plenty of people here that are more than willing to help you throughout the process.
Sounds like one sweet build. Do you plan on upgrade shocks ?

Yes shocks are on my list, Im looking into +3+1 American Star a arms and Elkas for the front and I see a lot of guys on here running 400 ex's on the rear so im considering that as well. Im also thinkin of steping it up and throwing on a ct sonic 240kit....still deciding on the bbk route tho. And thanks Wifes blaster, I've already learned so much from you guys here!
Yes shocks are on my list, Im looking into +3+1 American Star a arms and Elkas for the front and I see a lot of guys on here running 400 ex's on the rear so im considering that as well. Im also thinkin of steping it up and throwing on a ct sonic 240kit....still deciding on the bbk route tho. And thanks Wifes blaster, I've already learned so much from you guys here!

Sounds like its going to one hell of a cool Blaster. I would go with an Elka in the rear if its in the budget. The 400 shock does a nice job but not as good as an Elka would.
Sounds like you are well on your way to the addiction!!! Can't wait to see the finished product. Welcome to the forum and thanks for all you do!!
Thanks guys! Yeah blasterdemon7 I don't really have too much of a budget, I just don't want it getting crazy but I can already see its heading there haha. I wish I had some pics of it I could upload!! Well when it goes under construction ill post the transformation.
Thanks guys! Yeah blasterdemon7 I don't really have too much of a budget, I just don't want it getting crazy but I can already see its heading there haha. I wish I had some pics of it I could upload!! Well when it goes under construction ill post the transformation.

Welcome to the forum and I would like I:I to see some pics of your project sounds nice good luck with it I:II:I
welcome to BF Jared, western PA. here too.
sounds like a good plan ya have !
until that happens, keep your head down and your a$$ safe over there !!!!

and for helping protect our freedom, we salute you .........

Thanks guys! Yeah blasterdemon7 I don't really have too much of a budget, I just don't want it getting crazy but I can already see its heading there haha. I wish I had some pics of it I could upload!! Well when it goes under construction ill post the transformation.

Lol. That happen to me. I just had to keep upgrading.
Thanks guys, only 4 months to go over here...atleast im lucky enough now to be in a place that has internet! Glad to see a lot of "yinz" are from the Pittsburgh area! Im right above yinz in Clarion county. PRchrist I cant get any pics till I get back, my babys at my uncles house and he is pretty much computer illiterate haha. And nice pic AWK...shes got me standin at Attention! haha
welcome to BF Jared, western PA. here too.
sounds like a good plan ya have !
until that happens, keep your head down and your a$$ safe over there !!!!

and for helping protect our freedom, we salute you .........


Hmmm, I don't remember too many army girls looking like that? Well, maybe in the moments before last call!

Back around 1979 they told us that women would be allowed in Combat Arms here.
We scoffed, "no woman could do what we do!"

6 months later I am spending the night in a shellscrape with a 5'3" brushcut female soldier. Tough as nails and build like a fireplug.
"So, you're a woman?" was all I could think to say...
