new addition


Jun 11, 2009
My girlfriend is awesome, she got me a puppy for Christmas and is the new addition to our family! He's so cute, we're still trying to think of names. He's a Pembroke Welsh Corgi if anyone wanted to know



she also got me a sweet Yamaha Fox hoddy and a Honda Fox hoddy.
I'm already attached
I just cant think of a name my family keeps trying to help but i dont like their ideas
My Mom kept calling him Darby.... terrible dog name
Dog names are tough... something will come to you though! You're going to have a ton of fun with that puppy. He looks like he will be awesome :D
We're thinking Colt, my Girlfriend came up with it i'm considering it since she did buy him for me.
I think i'm naming him Marley.
I've always like listening to Bob Marley so it works out.

The story behind the dog is my girlfriends family breeds Corgis and he was my pick of the litter, i would get him out and play with him everyday and i was going to buy him till my parents (i'm still in college) shut that idea down but my girl worked her magic and talk them into letting her get me him for Christmas :)

They have another female thats pregnant right now so if anyone wants one (they can ship) PM me and i can get pictures, up once she has them. I can also post them in the for sale section if there is a big interest in them
No JOKE!^^ haha my friend has one like that, I want to kill it. I want to get a doby or a rottweiler and call him diesel, or stains. Cum stains, cum stains! Hahahaha. Immaturity at its best.
Corgi's are just past drop kick dogs, my moms corgi is a tank when he jumps on you, you'll know it.