need opinions on buying a blaster!


New Member
Feb 15, 2010
Central Jersey
I'm supposed to be buying a 2001 blaster on Friday for $1500.
Here is the list the seller gives about whats on the quad:
01.-Bored .60 over
02.-Meir Racing Plastics
03.-Oil Injection Block Off Kit
04.-Douglas Front Rims
05.-ITP Rear Rims
06.-ITP HoleShot Tires All Around
07.-FMF PowerCore 2 Full System
08.-Uni Clamp-On Air Filter
09.-Minkuni 30mm SPIGOT Racing Carb
10.-H1R Oil
11.-Gas Charged Stock Shocks
12.-MotoWorks Custom Racing Frame
13.-MotoWorks Bumper
14.-MotoWorks Grab Bar
15.-TORS Removed
16.-140 Main Jet & 40 Pilot Jet
17.-Powder Coated +2 A-Arms
18.-Powder Coated +1 SwingArm
19.-DuraBlue +4 Axel
20.-Nerf Bars
21.-Meir NumberPlate
22.-Meir Numbers
23.-Renthal Bars
24.-Brand New PillowTop Grips

I went to go see the quad today and it looks nice and everything but I have 2 problems. One is that the kid said he drained it of gas and oil for the winter so he couldnt start it. I think this is a little fishy, although it seems reasonable to do, but if you're trying to sell something usually someone would want to see it run. It has compression and all but I'm still iffy about buying something I never saw run. He said it also needs to be jetted, but he showed me he has the jets already he just didnt get around to doing it. My second problem is that the frame he said is a "custom motoworks racing frame" and it does not come with a title. So please give me advice as to what I should do.
if you want to register it you need a title, a bill of sale might get it done youneed to check local laws. just take some gas mixed up at 32-1 and tell him you want to see it run. if he says no pass on it
ask him if you can bring some premixed gas out so you can fire it....if he says no leave it lay. don't know about the custom frame thing either. do you have pics?
Well you could take some pre mix lol. and jetting isn't that hard at all and Im sure if you got the receipts or some thing the proof of purchase of the frame u could get a title
yeah thanks guys. i was thinking about bringing some gas there on friday, which is what i just emailed him saying. he answered and said thats good with him so i feel kind of relieved about that issue. Here are a few pictures of the quad. Sorry you cant really see the frame that well.
yeah i thought it looked like the stock frame but it has some kind of supports on it (you can see them in the 3rd picture right above the footpeg) and more motor mounts in the front that you cant see. its weird but overall it looked nice to me today. im not a mechanic or anything so thats why i wanted to get some opinions on it.
i bought the blaster today. started it up and everything. it didnt idle without the choke on cause it needs to be jetted. i got it home and put my hand under the motor and there was a lot of oil. i asked the kid what it was from and he said it spilt when he drained it. i dont know about that i hope theres not a crack in the case or something....
well i looked at it and saw the oil was dripping from the exhaust and running down under the motor. im hoping that's the only place the oil is coming from and there is no actual crack so im going to clean it up and check it out. i wanted to know what i should do about jetting too...he gave me jets for the quad but they are the ones for if im running it without an air box. if i did hook up the air box i would need different jets right?
well i looked at it and saw the oil was dripping from the exhaust and running down under the motor. im hoping that's the only place the oil is coming from and there is no actual crack so im going to clean it up and check it out. i wanted to know what i should do about jetting too...he gave me jets for the quad but they are the ones for if im running it without an air box. if i did hook up the air box i would need different jets right?

If it is leaking from the exhaust I would check the exhaust gasket.

If you are going to run the airbox you will have to jet down.

With the FMF pipe they call for a 260 main and a 32.5 pilot with the needle on the 3rd spot from the top. They also recommend running with the airbox lid off.
ok so i cant use the jets the kid gave me when i bought it. i dont think it really smokes that bad. im not sure if im losing gearbox oil because he said he drained most of it so it wasnt sitting all winter. im going to go buy some and put it in. what kind of oil do you recommend and how much do i put in?
ok so i cant use the jets the kid gave me when i bought it. i dont think it really smokes that bad. im not sure if im losing gearbox oil because he said he drained most of it so it wasnt sitting all winter. im going to go buy some and put it in. what kind of oil do you recommend and how much do i put in?

For the oil I use Pensoil 10w40. I change it after every ride. Cheap insurance. But guys use ATF, Belray gear save and so on.
for the amount there is a sight glass on the cluch side of the motor. You should fill it up to the lines on the sides of the sight glass. It is between 650 and 700ml.

As for the jetts I gave you the stock carb numbers I forgot it had a bigger carb. Do you know what it is jetted at now and what are the jets he gave you?
i have no clue what its jetted at right now. the jets he gave me is a 140 main jet a 40 pilot jet, but he said those are the jets for if i was running it without an air box and i really do want to run an airbox. i need to get the boot first and a different air filter.
You should take the carb off and check the jets. But once you get an airbox you will have to jet down.

As for an airfilter I recommend Uni dual stage.

For the intake tube you can look on here in the forsale thread or put up a wanted to buy thread in the wanted to buy section or check eBay.