Need Help


New Member
May 2, 2013
Near Genesee, PA
My Blaster has no spark, i have two new spark plugs, just bought and neither of them work. Is there a way i can find out what it could be? There was spark before and now there is no spark, what would it be? Would it be the spark wire? I don't know what to look for on it, or even what would cause it to just quit like that. I just want to know how to check for what the problem is, is there a way to check if it is the Stater Coil, the spark wire, or anything like that? :-/
You can check the resistance for the stator and coil with an ohm meter. The values are in the manual. For the stator it tells you which wires to test and the range they should be in.
If you have changed the plug, sometimes the plug cap boot parts company with the HT lead leaving a gap that the electrics just wont jump.

Make sure the high tension wire is pushed well up into the boot.