need help with my kfx400

no. but i have a huntch as to what happened. its pretty clear that the gaskets on it are thinking that he filled the coolant with water to save froze, expanded...boom crack...he replaced gaskets hopping it would fix it and when it didnt, wanted to trade. looking for a new head now, idk to buy a used or brand new.
Yup. Had to cycle alot of oil. At first it was milky then i slowley started to change to normal oil. 4 oil changes. Rode all day and it was fine. This bike rips!
Yup. Had to cycle alot of oil. At first it was milky then i slowley started to change to normal oil. 4 oil changes. Rode all day and it was fine. This bike rips!

Good deal!! I'm not saying this is the best way to flush a crank case. But I use Dextron ATF to flush any contaminants out of the crank case. Running until the engine is warm......The high detergent will clean it up, then drain and fill with motor oil. One cycle is all it takes.