Need help starting rebuild


New Member
Jun 8, 2010
South Africa
Sup guys!

Im very new to this biking thing but loving my blaster! i have a 2005 model, but i want to do some dress up mods. problem is i really dont know where to start. my blaster is running good and has enough mods for me, just wanted to repint some parts like the frame and a arms nd such? Woulld somebody please just help me by telling me what to do and where to start? like taking it apart?

first off, welcome, second, got pics, third, there is a manual on the site somewhere that will hekp with disassembly, or just do what makes sense and remember how to put it back together. i have a thread in the full rebuilds section called "guess i will start a thread" check it out and u kinda get an idea what you are getting into. As for some visual modswww sells some shiny parts. you can also polish many parts to make them shiny, welcome to the forum bud
dress up mods? is that like putting on a nurses outfit when riding?

but if you want to paint the frame, you will have to take everything off, just remember how you took it off and take lots of pictures, will help you when you have to put it back on.
you could get different color plastic or a decal to make it look different? maybe some nerf bars? a different seat cover? different handlebars and grips? a bumper and grab bar?
lol naaaah dont wanna do the nurses outfit? i just want it to look better? what should i take of first? like after the plastics? whats next?? haha and how do i upload pics???? sorry i suck so bad!
to upload pictures, use photbucket, i think there is a thread about how to do it.

and far as taking it apart, start with the seat lol. then the plastic, then anything that is attached to the frame. start with the wheels, then a-arms, then take the axle out, then the swingarm. that way you pretty much just have the engine in the frame. you will need to take off the gas tank, exhaust, and intake before you do the engine.
everyone has their own way of doing it, but i would suggest start with the the easiest thing to get off and make sure you get the things that will be in the way later. like tires and plastic off help make getting to other a lot easier

to help you put it back together, take a picture of the piece before and after you take it off. it can help you when putting it back together.
I think the blastys look great with A/M bumpers and Bars. get a repair manual as opposed to a owners manual. Painting the a-arms would be the easiest when it comes to painting the chassis. The ball joints can be a pain to release and put back together. This would also give you a chance to go over front braking system and grease needed parts such as spindles, ball joints, etc.