need girl/ dating advice

i make my conversations about me doing cool stuff and i just try to be myself, i ask her bout her favorite music, and of course, tell her how friggin hot she is, lol
nope, no late at night.............

bright and early in the morning, to tell her you had a dream about her, then ignore all text backs till later at night, then don't tell her what the dream was about
ha thanks guys 1 last question and ill leave u alone. when should i text her. not so much that io annoy her but not show her i dont care?

its always good to say nice things like good night and good morning to show you at least think of her a little bit, but dont make it seem like your obsessed, as for when to text her, just make it random like anytime really just not 24/7 mix it up a bit ha, and if your always the first one to text her try not texting her first wait for her to text you, if she likes you and wants to talk to you shell text you
nope, no late at night.............

bright and early in the morning, to tell her you had a dream about her, then ignore all text backs till later at night, then don't tell her what the dream was about

lol or tell her you cant remember much but you do remember being with her and hearing a lot of moaning, and then tell her youve always had dreams like this and that they usually come true
oh and dont text her a lot of mushy things, make sure your well into your relationship and you know she really likes you, getting into that too soon kinda makes it seem like your obsessed and and just jumps into lovey dovey sh*t...try to get her in bed first lol
why not just be 'with her' (like just getting bedtime ) instead of wanting a reelationship?? i hate relationships at this age if your in one ,it restricts you real bad lol