Need advice toomey pipe and silencer or fmf


New Member
Dec 20, 2010
29 palms ca
I need to get a pipe and silencer i here good things about fmf and toomey but dont really know the difference between the 2 any advice on which setup up to get
toomey ,you can get kit,filter,jets,flanf pipe and silencer here for 240 and its a much better pipe then fmf,but thats based on what iv read on here
What do you have now and what did you no like about the shearer pipe ive been reading alot about the different pipes some say they are pretty good and that fmf isnt that great at all compared to shearer havent seen to much about toomey though
i would probably get toomey. the FMF isn't a bad option and can be had cheap. but the toomey is probably the best option for a mildly modded blaster
The toomey might be the way to go then im getting the bottom end rebuilt with a wise o crank kit and im doi g the top end with wsn topend kit, porting the cylinder and im going to get the head redesigned with a 34mm carb does that sound like the right set up for a toomey exhaust
powerpros/trinity/ct/f7, dynoport, LRD

any of those are the right bend pipes, the powerpros based pipes are really nice for that kind of build