

New Member
Sep 7, 2010
Great Mills SOMD
I was going for the naked bike look, so I removed the front fenders, and sawzalled the rear fenders. I can actually move around on the bike now, plus I just think it looks sexy. The pic was taken after a full 7 hour session out at my buddies house, it doesn't show much mud because I had water over the silencer just before coming off the trails.

I must be the oddball cause I think blasters look dumb without the rear fenders. I was tore between whether I like fronts on or off, but have kinda turned to the no/cut front fenders, but leave the rears where they belong, on the bike.
Ick, I'm not a fan, onnly because I had rears cut before oi had about 2 inches worth on each side, not fun when your sideways threw snow an you get a helmet full of snow. But if you like it rock it
I normally wear tight jeans and a jersey but I went over to the trails to work so I wore some basketball shorts. You know how a trail work day turns into a ride session.