My Winter Wonderland


Jul 29, 2007
Part 1 of the 2 Part Series

Well, its that time of year again to crack out thee ol' shovel and start moving the white stuff. (unless you have young and able kids) :p

Where I am, we get intense snow squalls off the lake a.k.a (lake-effect snowsqualls) and these squalls leave their mark. Now, from last night and today alone, we got 15 cm (6 inches) and we're expecting another 15 in the next couple of days.

The blaster doesnt do so well in this crap, :( If I keep my trails packed, I could zoom around super-sonic-like. :/....but i do my damage in the driveway, Pics of that in Part 2 of the Series




Awww man I hate you!
Why can't we get snow like that around here????
I heard there was chance and put my bear claws on and everything.
Fuggin storm went all around us :(
im waiting for the morning when it snowed the night before and my nice, peacefull, quiet neighbourhood's street is nicely packed down and thats when i bust out the wake up call.
Ive been wanting snow. If we get 6-8 inches i get the Foreman out, anymore then that and we get the snowmobiles out. In march we got about a 18 inches one night, so we spent a whole day riding around. It was a blast. But our Foreman has gone through a foot of snow at a couple spots. There were some big dips that had at least a foot blown into by the wind. I hit it, slowed down, and slowly dug through it in 4wd. But its fun jumping drifts and stuff in the snow, especially on snowmobiles. If i had a blaster it would be setting whenever we had snow probably. But we did learn that 2 Foremans in fifth gear can barely move our small single axle trailer through 8 inches of snow. We ended up digging into the yard trying to move it, so we quit. I love snow.

Also, snow+heat+freezing temperatures=no brakes. After about 15 minutes we lose just about all front brakes on our Foremans.
i miss riding in the snow. its so much fun. ever since i joined the military i'v been stuck in warm tropical locations. now its 80 degrees and sunny on christmas day here in Arizona
how can you hate the snow!? thats the best time of the year. ive been waiting all year to unleash the blaster. theres a slight chance of snow by me and im going crazy!
SNOW ABSOLUTLY SUCKS!!! i would much rather ride in warm conditions, who the hell loves having there hands frozen 10 min into a ride.....if u can move in the snow?
SNOW ABSOLUTLY SUCKS!!! i would much rather ride in warm conditions, who the hell loves having there hands frozen 10 min into a ride.....if u can move in the snow?

Me I:I Buy gloves. A week or two ago it was about 25, and dad and i went riding. I was just wearing my helmet, goggles, hoodie, and jeans. I was stupid and didnt think of grabbing my leather gloves. I rode snowmobiles last year around here in just a pair of gloves. I have insulated leather gloves for this year, they are warm. But those are just around here. When we go riding i wear actual snowmobile gloves. They keep you pretty warm. So get a good pair of insulated gloves, and enjoy the white stuff.
We be getting snow saturday night and sunday....right now they aint sure but round 2 pumped though...two or three inches is just engough to have a blast in! check out "yep....again" under engine plese btw....pcc!
It started snowing early this morning. It was sunny so the driveway heated up, and all the snow melted. I was upset cause i thought it was the end of the snow. Well the driveway had a lot of water on it, it started getting colder and the wind picked up. Along with heavier snow. All that equals a solid sheet of ice on the driveway. I probably spent a hour doing donuts, sliding around, do 33 in 4th gear, and going backwards. Having a ball. Except when i did a burnout on the ice without any brakes, and it turned out i was stuck on the ice. So i got off, and had to use one hand and pulled it off of the slick spot to get some traction. But after my last ride tonight there was a huge spot that is solid super slick ice, and no snow. But we mightve got a inch or so today. I also gave the Foreman a good workout, running high rpms a long time. I cant wait until we get more snow. I got 2 pics, cause i was riding for about 30 minutes, and my thumb was numb, and i couldnt tell if i was moving it. And my camera had a low battery, so i couldnt really take pictures. But ill have some up tomorrow, and hopefully get some more riding in tomorrow.
We were supposed to get like 1-2 inches and i was so pumped lol. I would check the weather every hour or so. But no its just flurrying and no more snow. Im so pissed. I just cant wait any longer for the snow to come.
Snow sucks... The kids keep trying to get me to buy snowmobiles.. my wife and I were looking at some last year, but now we are planning on building anothe rpole barn I think she came to her senses, and decided against snowmobiles ! !

MMMMM polebarn... Looks like I am getting a new shop ! !
snow is fun for about 10 minutes on the blaster for me, then i get tired donuts and burnouts.

so in the winter, the blaster stays away most of the time, and the snowboard comes out :) if you've never tried snowboarding, give it a go. it takes a little to learn, so you may have to give it 2 or 3 goes, but i love it. i catch 2 or 3 times as much air on the board as i do the blaster without thinking twice.
I jes put on my super thick gloves, googles/helmet and a jacket that make me look like 100 lbs bigger lol.
Gimmie 6-8 inches of hard pak and I'm in heaven !
it was pretty packed on my street today but my dad went all "well i dont want any cops knockin on our door" almost back handed him lol.