let me just say, I've done plenty of my own loud setups usually very competitive spl ground pounders in their perspective class, ranging from single 10" setups to dual 15"s and 18" setups running anywhere from 600 to 8000rms on just sub duty. altho I do like to free dive/spearfish my screen name isn't related to fishing or drugs lol. and this is my name on all the forums I frequent from 2000 when I started joining car audio forums. ANYway, I'll go ahead with the actual thread.
my 1st setup for under the seat in the titan was a single 8" ported in about 1 cube forget what I tuned it to. but I played with several 8"s I had, an L7, a DD1008a an elemental 9kv2 and a TC 2+ prototype. it was purely for fun and to see what I could do from under the seat. previously I had a pair of 15"s in there and one a soundoff in it but this thread is dedicated to the under the seat section only lol. it would be WAAAAY more pix/typing otherwise. I didn't take pix of this as it was just playing around. I had a termlab but the DD did the best and it was only a 134 or 135 at the dash car sealed so I didn't bother logging any of it lol.
the next setup, was 4 eD eu-700s, I wanted to see what I could do with 6"s just so I could tell people I was running 6"s when they asked lol (everyone who knows me usually asks what I'm running or what I've been up to) but despite my efforts it did a best of a 132 or 133 lol.
the next under the seat box I don't recall metering at all for some reason, but it was the loudest to this point, was a pair of DD 1008s ported with an external port... this one I DID get pix/vids of...
2 DD 1008a Video by Tom - Myspace Video
this setup didn't last long as I always went back to my large subs and conventional boxes and folding up one side or the entire back seat to run large setups lol.
so, the next time I went under the seat, I decided to lift the back seat 2"s. I used a neo storm motor, with FI soft parts (reconed them for a budget spl class B setup in my wife's jetta) and stole one to run in my truck as our comps used to be spaced far enough apart that I could split the system and take one amp/sub for daily and give her half her trunk back when there weren't comps. box was about 2.25 cubes iirc, 1 6" aeroport tuned to about 38hz iirc.. been a while and I don't know if I wrote it down in any of the pix titles...
sub setup in the truck. this one did a 138.6 or something iirc, that was on music, new termlab, amp was one crossfire xp1400d, I like my maxxlinks so I use them as a sub processor even when only using one amp. if running multiples I use it to strap them as well, like my wife's expedition build with 4 amps in 2 strapped pairs I posted on here a while back somewhere lol.
basically the port fits into a 10" sub cutout... it mounts to a 9"+ hole iirc... I have it cut so I just trace the side that goes into the box and it is the perfect size to mount the port, makes it quicker for me when doing boxes lol.
I ended up trading the 10" away finally this year after running it for like 2 years iirc, to a buddy as he wanted it and I was phasing outta sounds and more into bikes, I traded him for an MTX 9510 dual 4ohm so I instantly dropped power as my amp does full power at 1ohm lol. but I didn't care as I just wanted something in there to plug the hole in my box that sounded ok and I could potentially sell (I did have the custom sub FS but no one wanted it for some reason) before the MTX actually finally sold.
my 1st setup for under the seat in the titan was a single 8" ported in about 1 cube forget what I tuned it to. but I played with several 8"s I had, an L7, a DD1008a an elemental 9kv2 and a TC 2+ prototype. it was purely for fun and to see what I could do from under the seat. previously I had a pair of 15"s in there and one a soundoff in it but this thread is dedicated to the under the seat section only lol. it would be WAAAAY more pix/typing otherwise. I didn't take pix of this as it was just playing around. I had a termlab but the DD did the best and it was only a 134 or 135 at the dash car sealed so I didn't bother logging any of it lol.
the next setup, was 4 eD eu-700s, I wanted to see what I could do with 6"s just so I could tell people I was running 6"s when they asked lol (everyone who knows me usually asks what I'm running or what I've been up to) but despite my efforts it did a best of a 132 or 133 lol.
the next under the seat box I don't recall metering at all for some reason, but it was the loudest to this point, was a pair of DD 1008s ported with an external port... this one I DID get pix/vids of...

2 DD 1008a Video by Tom - Myspace Video
this setup didn't last long as I always went back to my large subs and conventional boxes and folding up one side or the entire back seat to run large setups lol.
so, the next time I went under the seat, I decided to lift the back seat 2"s. I used a neo storm motor, with FI soft parts (reconed them for a budget spl class B setup in my wife's jetta) and stole one to run in my truck as our comps used to be spaced far enough apart that I could split the system and take one amp/sub for daily and give her half her trunk back when there weren't comps. box was about 2.25 cubes iirc, 1 6" aeroport tuned to about 38hz iirc.. been a while and I don't know if I wrote it down in any of the pix titles...

sub setup in the truck. this one did a 138.6 or something iirc, that was on music, new termlab, amp was one crossfire xp1400d, I like my maxxlinks so I use them as a sub processor even when only using one amp. if running multiples I use it to strap them as well, like my wife's expedition build with 4 amps in 2 strapped pairs I posted on here a while back somewhere lol.

basically the port fits into a 10" sub cutout... it mounts to a 9"+ hole iirc... I have it cut so I just trace the side that goes into the box and it is the perfect size to mount the port, makes it quicker for me when doing boxes lol.
I ended up trading the 10" away finally this year after running it for like 2 years iirc, to a buddy as he wanted it and I was phasing outta sounds and more into bikes, I traded him for an MTX 9510 dual 4ohm so I instantly dropped power as my amp does full power at 1ohm lol. but I didn't care as I just wanted something in there to plug the hole in my box that sounded ok and I could potentially sell (I did have the custom sub FS but no one wanted it for some reason) before the MTX actually finally sold.