my "soon to be" sled


New Member
Apr 22, 2009
little hick town in Ontario, Canada
well the whole deal with putting skis on my shee didnt work to well. it went alright in anything under about 8" of snow. but any more then that and it just sunk in the snow. plus i re-made new brackets that i thought were gonna be strong and i hit one snowbank and boom, skis catch and i run over them lol. and i bent one bracket and the ski fell off. anyway my mom said she would pay half for a cheap sled for christmas, ive looked at a couple and i found this phazer for 600, the guy said he would take 450. not a bad deal i think

1984 phazer 480 fan - Barrie Snowmobiles For Sale - Kijiji Barrie Canada.
I checked that one out as well..... There are a few on the barrie kijiji for sale..... personally id try to jack for a g note... cause you might find urself a nice midl 90s mxz skidoo...... then again.. i have to buy bombardier if i buy a sled.... I get parts at dealer cost for those machines.. so its a no brainer..
if the guy will send me his adress i could go get it tomorrow. i really just want a sled that i can throw around easy. my old zrt600 was fun cuz of all the power, but it was way to heavy to be tossin around. and was a biotch to get out when i got stuck. plus it wasnt mine it was my dads. and the ditches around here are prime for sleddin on right now. all the tall grass is covered by drifts and theres no big rocks or anything to wreck on.
i would look for something a little newer with a 440 in it (mid 90's would be a good start). The 84 suspension will more than likely kick your ass on those drifts and the 480 fan wont be very quick at all.
i dont mind a hard ride, i just want something that will haul me thru the snow. and the guys i ride with ride a beat up 78 enticer 250, and an early 70's nuvik, so i will be leadin the pack on an 84 phazer lol.
yes, yes it did

nice sled, blah blah blah

you should get it, but i dont think you should have givin up on the shee that fast blah blah blah, ahah
nah man, its sucked in the snow. just didnt float enough. in the deep stuff it wouldnt go forward untill it hit the ground. it just digs down. only place it will be good it when the sleds pack the lakeshore down. but i can ride that will the razr's on the back and tires up front.
yea in the 6 inches we got on thursday my razrs kicked ass, they never lost traction unless i wanted it to or unless i gunned the htrottle even then they hooked fast