well the whole deal with putting skis on my shee didnt work to well. it went alright in anything under about 8" of snow. but any more then that and it just sunk in the snow. plus i re-made new brackets that i thought were gonna be strong and i hit one snowbank and boom, skis catch and i run over them lol. and i bent one bracket and the ski fell off. anyway my mom said she would pay half for a cheap sled for christmas, ive looked at a couple and i found this phazer for 600, the guy said he would take 450. not a bad deal i think
1984 phazer 480 fan - Barrie Snowmobiles For Sale - Kijiji Barrie Canada.
1984 phazer 480 fan - Barrie Snowmobiles For Sale - Kijiji Barrie Canada.