my son is learning!!!


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
useless thread to some of you.. but to others you will understand!!

i bought my son some toy dirt bikes... the 'fmx' ones a pastrana 4 stroke bike and a crusty deamons 2 stroke one... he already broke bothe the guys in half lol... he wanted his bikes so i get them for it...

i asked him which one is faster,... he was silent... i said which one would win a race.. he points to the crusty demons bike and said the 2 stroke is always faster!! :o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o !!!!!!!!!!!

hes 3 and makes daddy proud!!!
lmao......learning the right way for sure dude....i guess daddy did a good job lol

i guess i did huh?? thanks...... funny thing is he is gonna be a2 stroke rider... when i had the 400ex and the 200x the exhaust scared him??? but the 250r and the blaster dont faze him...

BTW he gets his cast off in 9 days!!!!

gettin anew bike the day it comes off.. and the following weekend he is gettin a yamaha raptor power wheels
i guess i did huh?? thanks...... funny thing is he is gonna be a2 stroke rider... when i had the 400ex and the 200x the exhaust scared him??? but the 250r and the blaster dont faze him...

BTW he gets his cast off in 9 days!!!!

gettin anew bike the day it comes off.. and the following weekend he is gettin a yamaha raptor power wheels

can you be my daddy???

i want a yfz450 I:I
picture of said crusty demon bike...... ther ekinda cool. you puch the swing arm down and they rev and hold it down and they go threw the gears.... the crusty bike even gives abraap braap than it goes threw the gears lol

i got my son a electric 4wheeler that he can even ride yet because every time im on my blaster he points to it and crys unless me or my gf let him sit on it.. lol hes only 11 months
i got my son a electric 4wheeler that he can even ride yet because every time im on my blaster he points to it and crys unless me or my gf let him sit on it.. lol hes only 11 months

thats the way my little guy is.. he will throw a fit if he donnt get aride on momma or daddys wheelers... after the rappy powerwheels he will be going to gass powered
thats the way my little guy is.. he will throw a fit if he donnt get aride on momma or daddys wheelers... after the rappy powerwheels he will be going to gass powered

yup i cant wait to see my little dude on a real quad
way to go fed. wish we lived closer. our boys would get along awesome. hes got some of the dirtbikes, and quads from walmart too. he loves his rappy powerwheels. he rides it everyday. im looking in to upgrading it from the 12 volt setup to the 24 volt setup. it also got to where he wasnt able to go up the drive way so i mounted some mountain bike tires on it so he can get around with out sliding around.
ha my little brother luvs quads and bikes always want to sit on them and even wehn im on de forum hed sit beside me jus looking at all de quads :)
cant wait get him riding wud be already only my mam is totally against quads :L