Figured I'd show you guys what I've been up to lately. The last month we've been working on "painting" a house and a bathroom remodel, depending on the weather. I put painting in quotes, because out of our crew of 4, 2 of us were doing repairs almost the entire time we were there. Here was one repair that was a pita.
They didn't nail the hangers for the girders that support all the joists! Bad part is that last joist was added just a few years ago, because they cut back the deckboards to install flashing against the house for the home inspection. If only they had thrown some nails in and saved me alot of trouble. Most of the other repairs were siding/ sheathing. They had cedar siding and no housewrap. You can guess any place the cedar was showing rot, behind it the sheating was just about gone. They got lucky though, there weren't any framing issues yet.
So the job we started at the end of last week, is jacking up a deck. It had dropped 6" at one outside corner!
You can really see the slope with our temporary support beam up. Triple 2x12x18 yellow pine, me and that guy put that up buy ourselves, using some redneck engineering, and a come-a-long.
The first column as we started digging it out.
Here it is pulled up, the tube ran through the footer with no connection to it. Wonder why it sank?

lol And the tube came to a nice point at the bottom. Notice the blocks of wood on each side, part of my redneck footer puller!
There's the footer for it, 2 wacks with my bfh and it was in pieces. Found 3 pieces of rebar about 18" long in the dirt under it.
Yeah thats the bfh!!
That was the 2nd one, the veneer slid down while we were working on it, scared the $#it outta me. You can see more of my footer puller there. Used a bottle jack and went up 6 inches at a time. When we first started, the 6x6 across bowed pretty good until the footer broke loose.
This is where we were and of day today, gotta get rebar in and pour 3 new footers in the morning. Gonna pour solid footers with rebar sticking up 4', then lay 16" flue block up to height, and pour em solid with a saddle on top. Main reason for the failure (besides bad footers) was this section of deck is specifically for the hotub. They would've had a water slide down the mountain if they waited much longer! We've only lifted the deck a few inches so far. Gonna do an inch or 2 every day. I like to do a little at a time with big lifts like this to let things kind of settle and give for a little while. Amazingly the other 3 posts on this section are still where they are supposed to be