my newest toy ;)


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
Pick this up sunday :) absolutlt love it!!!!

Smith & wesson m&p 15-22 .22lr this the absolute closest 22 to a ar15/m4 all the same functions, operates just like a ar/m4 charge handle mag release bolt close paddle.. breaks down to clean like a ar i can clean this gun in under 5 minutes!!!
Pop a pin and the upper flips up pull the charge handle back and it comes out along with the bolt, alowwingbeasy cleaning of the bolt and chamber, this gun will eat any ammo i feed it!!! And damn accurate! Iv had many shots go threw the same hole ;)
It had iron sights on it and a barska holographic red dot sight i took them off and put my 3-9x32 scope on it with weaver extra high mount rings, im gonna put the jp yellow spring kit in it that with polishing the hammer contact points should make it a crisp clean 3-3.5 lb trigger, and change out the adjustable rear but stock for a moe or tapco, also gonna add a 150 lumin tactical flashlight with pressure switch and a lazer sight......

I feel sorry for whom ever trys to break into my house.. i have two 25 round mags ready to go.. sure would suck to get a face full of hollow points :)


even looks like an ar-15

Looks and functions .. got to pull the charge handle back to chamber a round, when mag is empty drop the mag put a new one on in press the paddle on the left side by the magwell and the bolt snaps shut.. did some lookin lastnight tacticool offers a aluminum charge handle, so i can replace the plastic handle :)

This thing is a blast to shoot