My new shocks


I'm not winning.
Nov 19, 2009

99 warrior shocks.$20 shipped.Are they the same as Banshee shock?
they look different to me, my banshee fronts have a tighter coil on top. and is it necessary to say they suck guys? next time one of you post up a new addition to your bike im telling you it sucks X(. if they fit i dont see how they cant be better than stock just set them at full soft. and if they dont work out well it sucks but at least its only a $20 mistake.
If they are the same Raptor 350 shocks I may be wrong, but I do believe the eyelets are slightly wider. So you may need to do a bit of modding...

I agree with noober Im going to start taking notes, and letting some of these people on here how much their stuff "sucks".

I do believe they are stiffer being a heavier machine and all, but give them a try... If nothing else Im sure you can get your $20 out of them, and probably make a few extra $$$ in the process.

Let us know.
they look different to me, my banshee fronts have a tighter coil on top. and is it necessary to say they suck guys? next time one of you post up a new addition to your bike im telling you it sucks X(. if they fit i dont see how they cant be better than stock just set them at full soft. and if they dont work out well it sucks but at least its only a $20 mistake.

Agreed...atleast its only $20