My New Purchase!


Sep 4, 2009
Okay, I know its nothing major, but I think it's cool. I just bought this yesterday. It is an original Super Nintendo, came with the original box with a receipt from the day they bought it in 1993, 17 games in the original cases and one out of case, some games still have wrappers on them and everything. This thing is seriously like new... I was psyched. $60 I payed, looked on ebay, everything could sell for $320-$330.



wow bro.....hold on to that......i remember when they came out, i would like to find the first nintendo game system

Yeah, thats what I though. I'll hold on to it for another 5 or 10 years and the price will probably be way up, then I can use that for college and stuff, or depending on the price just hold on to it for a long time and not do anything with it, just keep it and have it because that would be awesome lol
Yeah, thats what I though. I'll hold on to it for another 5 or 10 years and the price will probably be way up, then I can use that for college and stuff, or depending on the price just hold on to it for a long time and not do anything with it, just keep it and have it because that would be awesome lol

yea man id hold onto it......thats gonna be a collectors item a few yrs from now
Yeah. I couldn't believe the guy didn't sell it. It was in the newspaper for like a week so I called him and he said he still had it, a half hour later I was picking it up. Lol
dude great find!!!!! i might be getting a NES soon, i've missed mine ever since i sold it! I wouldn't mind getting a sega dreamcast again, that thing was so awesome in its day....
Thats a cool find. I still have an original NES with a bunch of games and the new NES that top loaded at my moms. Theres a SNES and a Sega Genesis as well. It was mine and my bros so mom is gonna hold on to it. I myself have an Atari from around the 70's with 26 games 4 controllers all the cords and stuff. I traded him for a kids car seat I was selling for 10 bux. Hell of a deal I think. It works too.
That's a pretty sweet investment. I would hold onto that for a while, I'm sure it will be worth tons in the near future.
Thats a cool find. I still have an original NES with a bunch of games and the new NES that top loaded at my moms. Theres a SNES and a Sega Genesis as well. It was mine and my bros so mom is gonna hold on to it. I myself have an Atari from around the 70's with 26 games 4 controllers all the cords and stuff. I traded him for a kids car seat I was selling for 10 bux. Hell of a deal I think. It works too.

damn man.....lotsa cool things there, i wish i had all that stuff, i actaully remember when atari was the only game invaders, pac man, astroids, ahhh good times lol
i sold all my old game systems so I could get a ps3... I ditched the regular nintendo, super nintendo, and the first original xbox (not the 360). Now I play games like motorstorm and the new call of duty modern warfare 2 SOOOOO FUNNN