My new fenders.


I'm not winning.
Nov 19, 2009
Scored me some race fenders. Going to match them up with a nice race hood.

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Sure am. I look the look of the fenders on the race front but not a big fan of the way the center hood part looks. I think this combo will look real good together. I just have to wait to get the hood. I may end up building a custom Fiberglas hood later.
why don't you get that hood in red like your current 88-02 hood? that would keep it the same color, but yet a different style.
I'm Trying To Find All Black Un cut Plastics In My Area , But I Think The combo Your going for Will Look good , Once I Get Some Stuff Taken Care Of The Blaster Will Be Getting More attention To Detail !
I like that hood, and it will look good with the race fenders...



Thanks. I like the fact that it would be rare to see another one with that hood/ fender combo. I like the looks of the fenders on a rage front but don't care a lot for how the center section looks. That's why I jumped on the fenders so I could have my cake and eat it to. Lol. I'm going to play around with makeing a custom fiberglass hood later.