well..... I think we have to many toy's I:I here are some pics
and you can see I put my blue F7 hand guards on the 450 and it looks awesome with them!
and I will be taking the 450 to a MX track tomorrow, so I will gave riding vids....
i take it ur family is rich?
and that vid of u in firt gear, that about the speed mine does in 3rd lol
we are deff not rich...
you can get some pretty good deals if you watch craigslist close enough lol
15 and you have a quad like that.DUDE! I HATE YOU!LOL.Im 39 and can't get sh*t that good.
I agree, its amazing if you save your money for one week what it amounts up to. I have two paychecks on the counter over a hundred each and I'm selling my plow for 250 sometime today. Thats about 500. S10 350 here I come!
Looks rather nice. I prefer two strokes, although I have debated getting a YFZ450... I like them quads a lot and the way they ride. I've only ever riden a TRX450 once and I couldn't really hit it hard. Nice purchase.
yea man def a nice wheeler, but yea just takes hard work and saving money!