My Make A Wish Foundation Present

hey man. i just wanna say that ur a strong young man. and some people take their life for granted. im glad just like everyone else said. that ur kickin this things ass. may i ask what kind it was?

Thanks dude. Always keep my head up high. Its a rare childhood cancer. Embrional rabdomiosarcoma is what its called. 1-15 kids get diagnosed with it a year and I was one of the lucky ones to get picked.
Thanks dude. Always keep my head up high. Its a rare childhood cancer. Embrional rabdomiosarcoma is what its called. 1-15 kids get diagnosed with it a year and I was one of the lucky ones to get picked.

well all i got to say is u f**ckIN ROCK!!! i think u are a very strong person. i wouldnt know what to do. cancer f**cking blows crack heads. lol UR THE MANNNN I:I
well all i got to say is u f**ckIN ROCK!!! i think u are a very strong person. i wouldnt know what to do. cancer f**cking blows crack heads. lol UR THE MANNNN I:I

Aha thanks man i really appreciate it. Theres nothing you really can do but just stay positive and do what you do best, work on quads all day I:I
I was going to make a thread saying i finished chemo but didnt think people would really care.
well ur silly for thinking that cause everyone cares man! im sure alot of us have lost someone to cancer. and for one to be fighting it so well and winning? is great!!!! i lost my aunt a year ago to cancer and my other aunt about 5 years b4 that to cancer. its a very f*cked up disease that lives in everyone! just certain people it likes to come into. hoepfully one day they will have a actual cure for cancer. its people like u that keep me living life to the fullest. like i said before YOU ARE THE f*ckING MAN!!!!
well ur silly for thinking that cause everyone cares man! im sure alot of us have lost someone to cancer. and for one to be fighting it so well and winning? is great!!!! i lost my aunt a year ago to cancer and my other aunt about 5 years b4 that to cancer. its a very f**cked up disease that lives in everyone! just certain people it likes to come into. hoepfully one day they will have a actual cure for cancer. its people like u that keep me living life to the fullest. like i said before YOU ARE THE f**ckING MAN!!!!

Im going to cry :( lmao, but thanks bro. And sorry about your aunt. it is really messed up.
When i would go to get chemo I would see these new born babies with it, come on now, how do newborns get it!
cause not alot of people know but cancer lives in everyone. its just waiting. some people get it some dont. its a f*cked up thing. and idk what i would do if i seen a baby with it. i have a ex gf from kindergarden (lol) and her younger sister which is only 14 has cancer and then i remembered someone on here had it and thats how i found out u did. its a f*cked up thing. just like u said stay positive and dont dwell on it. and i just checked it out and ur survival rate is great so i mean it sucks u have it but it could be worse. like i said b4 YOU ARE THE f*ckING MAN DONT EVERRRR FORGET THAT! it takes huge balls to step up to the plate and fight this sh*t. :( rock on bro... just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes that us wonderful people have to deal with f*cked up sh*t like that.