my little cux doing some donuts

that kids got some skillz. i think hes ready for a blaster now I:I. i tried to get my dads girlfriends kid into ridin. sold him my lt80 for cheap but he is pretty much a fail at anything other then pokemon :(
that kids got some skillz. i think hes ready for a blaster now I:I. i tried to get my dads girlfriends kid into ridin. sold him my lt80 for cheap but he is pretty much a fail at anything other then pokemon :(

Maybe you can make a trail out of his pokemon cards for him to follow. Or for donuts maybe put a pokeball or something in the yard and have him go in circles. LOL
lol what does cux mean.....does it mean poo ? like dad used to say you have to go chuck-a ?? lol !!!! ahahahahahha that the first thing i though of when i saw cux

but that kid is ripping it, looks like he might get dissy though lol