oh wow so u just basically just sprayed it without taping much? at 1st i was thinking wow thats bad. but the end result came out not too bad! i like it. if only u taped up the motor
The motor looked like sh*t since day one. I'm going to polish it when I build it " right ". The main point to me doing this was basically to try out this color combination. I'm using this as a trial run before I spend the time to strip it down , and have things powercoated. I knew that if I stripped the quad down to do the frame I wouldn't put it back together till it's done right and I don't have the funds right now so I'd be stuck without a ride. At least this way I can see what it would look like and as a bonus my blaster looks a lot better then before. When it chips all I gotta do is hit it with a shot of touch up paint and I'll be good to go.
Oh yea, polished my nerfs and washed the webbing.

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