my free project!!! :)

For free? Thats a horrible deal. oooo look your in Iowa, I will give you $100.

Seriously though, I am a jealous man. Good find for sure.
nope i actully just got ride of that one but i might buy it back for 400 bucks tho. just to steel parts from it like the steering stem an the rear axle an other parts that can go on my new project lol
i dpnt know i sked hm that an he said when he took it in the shop did a ful rebuild. then when i got it he said it dont run cause one of the pistons had a hole in it. well he was right after i ripped it down theres a hole in it
i know alot of people fro where i work at. i work for culligan if u havent heard of them i deliver salt an water an install water softners at peopes houses so i can come across good deals all the time but now my gaurge is full of projects that i hope to have done one of these days
well the 60 over side was freshly done it has 155 psi in it the other side i need to bring up to the same size so its not putting stress on the crank then start from thee to see if there is any other problems
I have heard of them. Sounds like you might end up matching up the cylinders and then be set. I would never get that lucky. If it was me the frame would be wasted, the crank would be cracked, rod threw the jug.... Im kinda excited to see how this turns out though! keep us posted
def will do that the only other problem that i know of right now is the rear shock si blown an the seal around the gear shifter leaks oil
So far I've put new bearings in the swinger. I ble the brakes so now I have working brakes all the way around.
Things to do yet is bore to match pistons an new gaskets all around an pry she runs
Deffinately a good score man.I would take any banshee any condition for $400. Are you ready to ship it to