ahh i see looks nice man but i would of rather spent the 300 bones on a arms lol thats just me tho.....i have thought about getting a small one in the middle of my back
ahh i see looks nice man but i would of rather spent the 300 bones on a arms lol thats just me tho.....i have thought about getting a small one in the middle of my back
I thought about getting an Army Paratrooper on my upper shoulder. I just don't know if I want to mark my body. My wife hates them! which is another reason t get one.
nice dude, $20? thats a good price, my grandpa would peronally kill me if i got a tat cause he has one and he hates it. i can't wait till i'm 18, he's gonna have to kill me, i'm thinkin my last name on back and some sleeves.