My brand new rappy 250

an air filter, a pipe, and some jetting will wake the hell up out of that bike.
most 4 stroke quads, especially the smaller ones have terrible canisters.
congrats man, i got a new (to me) quad yesterday, so i know how you feel
thanks everyone, and tim i will keep yall informed of the races ill get, lol I:I ^^and tj i already got that coming,already ordered the full exhaust system,air filter andn the jetting B-)^^
raptors look soo freakin sweet! did you do a trade in or you still got your blasty?
so i speak for alot of us by saying... 1. how much did they give you for your blaster and 2. what exhaust did you get and how much did that cost?
that looks sick, the only problem i have with them is in the uk they are like $1000 more than a stock blaster was and i think thats a bit too much. also as i have a blaster i doubt i would get a 250 4 stroke now especially as i'm getting a rm125 soon but it does look amazing i saw a full race prep version with elkas leger a arms ect it was sick but is it me or are they a bit smaller than a blaster?
i got 1,000 for my blaster, i wanted 1,200 but my dad wanted to get rid of it fast, and the rappy cost me 4,500, the HMF Ballance Pro pipe(full exhaust system) cost me 600. But ill still ride 2 stroke because my brother has an 04 blaster I:I I gotta work at my dads bakery because my dad said i have to earn my stuff,seems fair. Im very satisfied with the rappy,its much much much better than what all you think, its a fast lil quad,specially since im only 120 pounds,it rides smoothly. ^^ and no,its not smaller,its wider than the blaster,its just less tall.