mx vs atv alive?


Apr 12, 2009
northwest Indiana
anyone on here play on ps3? not too many people i know play online and today i tried starting a online lobby but noone joined, lookin for someone to race, haha
reflex is so much better.... i have it for pc on Steam... we have a big community of online riders, have competitions... check out or if your pc can handle it you should get reflex on steam, would love to ride with ya I:I if i had a ps3 though i would get alive, but alas, no moola
i don't have the money for reflex, and no alive is not only for ps3, i only have ps3, i doubt my computer is good enough to run it, its not that great of a computer, it can run stuff like battlefield play4free online tho, so idk, i'v played both alive and relfex, i liked the free ride in reflex more, but the racing in alive is more fun to me
i dont have it on ps3, but add me on there Elusive_Gazelle. lol i have it for xbox 360, and thats the only game i play lol. The only games youll see me on ps3 is gta4 and bf3. And if you want to race with people, Make a mxonlinetournaments account, they have tournaments every night.
anyone on here play on ps3? not too many people i know play online and today i tried starting a online lobby but noone joined, lookin for someone to race, haha

i will kick some ass on the ps3 online with my blaze 250f llol haha bro u never accepted my friend request
i will kick some ass on the ps3 online with my blaze 250f llol haha bro u never accepted my friend request

try addin me again dude, i never got one... my psn is all f*cked up at the moment so no online for me :/ f*ckin playstation needs to pull their heads outta their assholes....