haha for sure. i just wish i could rideall well i got to ride a cr 250 saturdayI:I
nice! !
haha for sure. i just wish i could rideall well i got to ride a cr 250 saturdayI:I
nice! !
On thing i wouldadd that is really cool to me anyways, is to make your mom run across the starting line before you guys laucn outta the gate and keep the camera low and maye slow it down a little bit! or else have the camera at the side angle and slow it downnnnn and show you lauching and the tires spinning
yea i wish! lol ived asked her to do that, and the answer is always a no. haha. unless i can get someone else to do it, but i dont think its gonna happen. idk maybe i can get someone. or something like that. also i dont have a high speed camera, so in slow mo it wont look too good. but i will try.
sounds good pro! Id invest some money into a go pro. Well worth the money for sure!