Mother-In-Law vs. My Blaster


Dec 1, 2009
Hamlet, NC
Ma-in-Law came down from Texas to visit this last weekend, and she was dying to ride an ATV. SO, I pulled out my Blaster and let her take it for a spin. I'm the idiot on the orange Blaster with no helmet. (Yeah, I know...I'll try and do better next time! B) )

(Click the pic to play.)

Looks like my 19-year-old wife was having way too much fun with the camera... :D
that was pretty funny commentary from your girl, she sounded worried a few times
so whens ma-in-law gettin one and joining here ?????
that was pretty funny commentary from your girl, she sounded worried a few times
so whens ma-in-law gettin one and joining here ?????

Haha, if my wife sounded worried just watching me, you don't want to see her going for a ride with me driving. The first time I popped a wheelie with her on the back, she freaked. :D

I got another project Blaster this last weekend. Pics in my other thread in the "Off Topic" section. I might just build that Blasty for Mama to ride whenever she comes to visit. As for her joining the Forum? Well you just never know...
tryin to kill your ma-in-law with no

Hehe, no my father-in-law did worse. On their first date, he took her out to get a new tattoo...on her butt. She then rode back to town with him on the back of his hardtail Harley. He made sure to hit every set of railroad tracks he could find on the way back! :o