Modern Warfare 2

Its going to be the SAME EXACT THING. you are paying 60 dollars for a REMAKE LULZ

What makes you think that it is the same exact thing have you played all of the COD games? Also when modern warfare came out it was damn near perfect its hard to make improvements when the original is so damn good. So to make up for the lack of major improvements to the games quality which is damn good by the way they revamped the multiplayer and online gaming. You try being a major video game producer and see how hard it is to make improvements when the orignal is so damn good.
I have all of the Call of Duties and I like this new one. It is different than my fav COD4 and I am sorry that you have problems getting on the Playstation network as I played on it lastnight after beating the game.
Yea i have, they are dissapointing, you do the same thing over and over and over, with no story or anything. It was funny when i first played COD4(on another persons console, im not spending 300 on that sh*t) and i won the match when i was a private, shows the level that multiplayer is at. read those articles too, they are the truth lol
no we just had an argument another time and i was getting mad becuase some dumbasses dont know sh*t and i think i know which one is better we got to xbox 360s and 2 ps3s andthe ps3 is sooo much better and more relialbe the only thing we use the xboxs for nowis to watch movies in my room becuase i dont have a ps3 in my room and other than that it is sh*t
first my bro got a xbox 360 and my parents didnt know then got us one for christmas so wehad to of those then we got bored with them and then my bro got a ps3 metal gear solid version then my other bro got one for like 160
does it really matter which game console is better? as long as you like the console you have thats all that matters. just chill guys no need to argue over this its like the special olympics
does it really matter which game console is better? as long as you like the console you have thats all that matters. just chill guys no need to argue over this its like the special olympics

HAHAHAHA. Thats funny bro. LMFAO

I got both of them and dont play either one LOL. I choose my NES as my favorite system.I:I
since you dont use the 360 mind sending it my way lmao jk.I:I

Sorry bro my son plays it LOL. He all amped up about Left for Dead 2. I havent played my 360 since the day Modern Warfare 1. The day I bought that game my 360 got the dreeded flashing red ring. So bought a new one and havent played it since. I use my PS3 for Blu-Ray movies.