shut up now befor i start getting pissed again and this isnt a console battle so just shut up
man that level.........gunnin the peeps down in the airport is crazy lol
i just said im glad i didnt have a ps3. your the one makeing an arguement. an i still havent been proved wrong, you might have told yourself you were right but you have no proof my proof is on the back of your bluray game case so leave me alone unless you have some concrete evidence that proves that 720p is better that 1080p just face it sony sucks an your mad because you fell for their tricks but thats not my fault so dont be mad at me
umm i think i can and i did last time we had this conversation and you are just going to turn this thread to sh*t if you keep it up
yeah it has and i got some proof but i am not going to lie i had a bad incounter with the xbox and havnt liked it since i guess I love sony becuase i grew up playing one my whole life i guess that and the snes and nes