i had a friend that was going to get into diesel mechanics, but he dropped out of the college after getting a hernia and realizing the college sucked
he is going for auto body and is on his final year i believe
where do you get the pipe for the stacks? my dad has 8" chrome straight pipes and i havent gotton around to finding a pipe
i got a little progress today
i had to glue down one side on top of the hood, it was sticking up.
also found out that the putty i have dries and shrinks. so this is the front bumper that got bent!
the straight piece of white plastic is going on the back to prevent it from happening again
decided to start trying to match the red paint on the roof and fenders.
its not really a red, kind of maroon color?
what my plan is is to spray it all black, then airbrush the transparent red color on it to keep it a dark dark red
@98blaster have you done air brushing? whats the best method to keep it thin? i was thinking of diluting the paint 25% to make it thinner. but not sure with what
heres the black coat