Modded my blaster last night......


Feb 4, 2011
I traded for a couple of blasters a little while ago and I got the itch to mod mine. I want mods that don't hurt the low rpm punch of the blaster so I ordered a FMF sst exhaust, vforce reeds, did the free timing mod, and I stuck a 280 jet in the carb and I'm very pleased with how the blaster responded. Today I went riding with a modded banshee and a honda 450 something and we raced a few times just for S#$ts and giggles. Did I win ? NO Was I respectable ? Heck yea. I was right there thru 4th gear, sometimes in the lead, never more then a bike behind. I had 3 banshees and a quadracer and they were a lot of fun, but now that I've got a 6 year old who's learning how to ride I'm absolutly loving the blasters, they're absolutly the perfect quad for my needs. Now I just gotta purty the old girl up a little !!! Thanks for reading and BTW I couldn't have done those mods without the tech and how to pics from this site, Thanks again !!!





Edit : I pulled the plug tonite and it looks pretty wet, I put a 270 in and tomorrow I'll see if it makes a difference .
way to rep our blasters against the bigger quads,
now take there asses in the woods and show 'em where we really shine !!!!
my post = definitely border line !!!!!!!!!! baaaaaahahahaaaaa
I can't wait to ride the woods trails tomorrow !! The field was too muddy to get back to them today but with the wind blowing all day it should be dry enough tomorrow.