I traded for a couple of blasters a little while ago and I got the itch to mod mine. I want mods that don't hurt the low rpm punch of the blaster so I ordered a FMF sst exhaust, vforce reeds, did the free timing mod, and I stuck a 280 jet in the carb and I'm very pleased with how the blaster responded. Today I went riding with a modded banshee and a honda 450 something and we raced a few times just for S#$ts and giggles. Did I win ? NO Was I respectable ? Heck yea. I was right there thru 4th gear, sometimes in the lead, never more then a bike behind. I had 3 banshees and a quadracer and they were a lot of fun, but now that I've got a 6 year old who's learning how to ride I'm absolutly loving the blasters, they're absolutly the perfect quad for my needs. Now I just gotta purty the old girl up a little !!! Thanks for reading and BTW I couldn't have done those mods without the tech and how to pics from this site, Thanks again !!!