minor destruction pics


New Member
Feb 15, 2009
i went riding the other day at a friends house and we were having an absolute blast in his 5 acre yard. after 10 or 15 laps around the yard i found a new "jump" that wasnt there the hundred or so times in the past. it felt like i had hit a tree stump, but having rode there so many times i knew something wasnt right :-/

we get back in the garage to let the bikes cool off and someone asks "wheres your front bumper?" i immediately knew where it was. seems i havent been keeping up on tightening bolts lately...


after inspecting the entire frame it seems the only damage (other than to the bumper itself of course) is a medium ding in the left front wheel, nothing serious :D

moral of the story: make sure you check your bolts.

btw, anybody got a front bumper for sale cheap? :p
Dang,your lucky it didnt get stuck and flip you off or something.

I got a stock one for 15+shipping,does have some dings on the front crossbar but its not all bent up like yours :P
that sux man i keep losing strator cover bolts and my rear wheel nuts and the nuts that hold the sproket on bolts came loose and shreaded my berings today
o and i missing 2 strator cover bolts is that bad and does any one know what size the are

But yourself an allen head bolt kit for the blaster motor from snyder motor sports for $22 and you will not loose any more bolts.Also apply some loctite to them and that will help.
yeah i have the snyder bolt kit, great upgrade!!!!