Mgiht be buying this 250r


New Member
May 27, 2009
well i found this 250r on kijiji today and im talking to the guy about buying it...i think its a really good deal considering the prices in my area and everything has been redone on this quad....

any comments...all it needs is a bore and top end and it should be good, and ill probably get a bolt kit juts incase any bolts are missing I:I

anything to look out for ? i know this is the better year with powervalve I:I

88 lt250r all redone - Toronto ATVs, Snowmobiles For Sale - Kijiji Toronto
find out what bore the cylinder's on. If its .080 then it needs a new sleeve or different cylinder
ya prices arnt bad for 85-86 and 88 and up 1987 is kinda hard since they changed the top end i cant find sleeves for mine.. i just got mine a month ago at 1300 and nothing wrong with it new plastics new bearings all around and new Leager's aarms and brand new still in box FMF pipe
advances sleeve or LA sleeve does sleeves for the 87... the 87 has a different cylinder, intake and reed cage.. it's a sinlge year production so the cylinder is kinda tough to find used sometimes.. but the 87 is the big reed cage model.. youi gotta check teh swingarm for cracks... they crack right at teh pivot point... where teh swinger bolt goes through look at teh front of that tube on thewingarm LT's of all years are nutorious for cracking there. also check the frnt of the frame for any twisting.. my first one had a wierd twist in the front of the frame area where the a arms bolt up.. anotehr thing to check when you lookign over the engine.. best if the cylinder is off.. look for any fatuging or cracking in teh exhaust bridge area.. and also look for crackign on teh outside fo teh cylinder above the ex tunnel.. both are common places for those cylinder to crack.. why they crack on the outside over that tunnel is a mystery to me but they do.. i've got an 89 here with that issue right now.. check teh shifter shaft... if those LT's throw a chain it'll bend the sh*t out of the shifter shaft.. it'll also break the guard mounts off the case.. those two things ususally go hand in hand.. and teh shift shafts bean REAL easy... beleive me i've installed more than a few.. tha goes for all model of LT's be it 250's or 500's and all years of each.. check also teh cases where the shift shaft goes though.. beating out a bent shaft can somtimes fatiuge and crack the case. look at the basket they are known for destoying clutch baskets.. in fact i've never opened up an LT engine that didn't need a basket.. if the lower end is stil assembled grab teh flywheel and check for up and down play... the cases for all years and model fo LT's are cast kinda crappy and they will actually beat teh bearing inside teh case and wallow the case out... this make a horrendous air leak and will be a piston melter.. thats a bigger problem on 500's BUT.. can happen on 250's also.. axle carriers on them are bad for rippign teh adjustment studs out.. watch for that as well... oh and the bottoms of the frame will pin hole rust.. it'll look liek rust spoecs but they rust from the inside out.. if i think of anything else i'll psot it up for ya... can you tell i've owned/redone a few lt's? haha
not really if the owner dont care its the first with the cash gets it... and 370 thanks for the great post i got one and i never knew they had all those problems +1 i just knew the aarm and shocks mounts are weak and the swingarms were to what about the 85-86 swingarm i cant find any any cracks in mine
85=86 crack int eh same place as the later years.. on the pivot tube... the 85-86 swingers will also crack where teh carrier mounts.. that alum becomes fatuiged fomr clamping and unclamping a zillion times and it'll eventually crack.
parts for those are still readily available, just takes a bit of looking. some parts are really affordable, but there are a few companies cough..lonestar..cough that charges a million f*cking dollars for a bolt, but there is usually a better alternative.....

i've found:
wider arms
long travel arms
billet baskets
swingarms round carrier
antivibe stems
any engine part you need/want
JP racing even did some chomoly aftermarket frame back in teh day for the LT's...
apparently there are only 2 in the world, 800screws and 1 other that there was no pic of...i want one bad!!!!!