make you clutch easier to pull in under 1 minute

my clutch lever is pretty stiff and gets tiring in slow trail rides or on long rides. just googled some stuff and this came up. just did it and it make quite a noticable difference. he has the pictures in his writeup but you have to copy and paste the
img code which im sure most of you can figure out
YZ Clutch Lever Easy pull Mod - ThumperTalk

That's a good mod tip. Thanks for sharing that with us. Have a little green.
So the clutch pull on my blaster has always been a beast. I'm not sure why its so hard to pull but it makes riding uncomfortable, especially for my wife. I took the clutch apart and found out that I was missing the ball bearing so I put one in it. I readjusted the clutch but the pull is still really hard. I'm going to be changing out the clutch cable soon to eliminate that as the culprit. But my question is, can I do something with the springs to soften this thing up if the cable replacement doesn't work? How can I tell if I have HD springs or not? The springs in there now have a pink/purple paint on them. I will also try the mod in this post to gain some leverage.
So the clutch pull on my blaster has always been a beast. I'm not sure why its so hard to pull but it makes riding uncomfortable, especially for my wife. I took the clutch apart and found out that I was missing the ball bearing so I put one in it. I readjusted the clutch but the pull is still really hard. I'm going to be changing out the clutch cable soon to eliminate that as the culprit. But my question is, can I do something with the springs to soften this thing up if the cable replacement doesn't work? How can I tell if I have HD springs or not? The springs in there now have a pink/purple paint on them. I will also try the mod in this post to gain some leverage.

take the clutch cable off the where it mounts to the motor and squeeze the lever. is it still hard? is so, your cable needs replaced or lubed up.
Its not near as hard to pull as when its hooked up. I think that is obvious. It seems a little rough but I wouldn't describe it as hard to pull. Should I be able to twist the clutch boss all the way by hand, because I can't. During adjustment, I can turn it easily until I can feel the pressure from the pressure plate. I'm leaning towards softer springs.
Thanks for the info fellas. This blaster 10 over stock bore and will probably stay that way for a while. There is no need for more power at this point being that its my wife's blaster. I'll stick with the stock springs and try a lever and cable.
jess buy these for your wife's blaster
Yamaha Blaster 200 EZ Pull clutch lever Black Gripper on eBay!

*NEW* YAMAHA BLASTER 200 YFS200 YFS CLUTCH CABLE 88-06 - eBay (item 380309626078 end time Feb-18-11 20:16:19 PST)

if she still bitches about the clutch being hard to pull, buy her these
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Are the emgo ez pull levers the easiest to pull. I have seen MSR and ASV levers mentioned as well but I have never pulled an ez pull lever. My cannondale has a magura hydro clutch so I haven't really needed to look into ez pull systems since 2003. I want to make this thing really user friendly for her. Actually I wish I could get a rekluse setup for a blaster.

I think I need those hand things because the clutch is so hard I have trouble and I have a pretty strong grip.
if that lever and cable dont make it better, maybe there is something else wrong. maybe the clutch rod has rust on it? maybe the lever on the motor needs clean. a blaster clutch with stock springs is super easy to pull in.
I pulled the clutch boss (case lever) out yesterday and it was very clean. Needle bearings looked ok. I didn't pull the push rod out, I only had the pressure plate and the rod thats attached out yesterday. I did notice that the ball wasn't in so I replaced it. Will the other push rod fall out? I can't remember if it will or if I need a small magnet.
i snagged a cr250 ez pull clutch lever/perch on ebay for like $15,
made my clutch almost as easy as a hydro, not that i had troubles pulling my 5 H.D spring set-up, just lots nicer
I was talking to my wife about all this at lunch today and she reminded me that we put a new cable on this a couple years ago because of the hard pull and it didn't help. I will buy a new one anyway but what else could it be? I was going to measure the springs per the clymer manual but I didn't see anywhere that said what they should be. Is it possible that it has stiffer oem springs in it from some other machine? Can someone give me a measurement on their springs?
i believe the factory springs have the pink swath of paint on them, try a new lever, and clean and lube that cable good, while it's disconnected for the new lever
I think I'm going to drill the hole and clean and lube the cable first to see if that helps. If it does, I will look into new levers. I can't believe how tough this blaster clutch is to pull. I have been using the hydro clutch for so long, I just don't remember how its supposed to feel. LOL. Thanks for all the help. I really like this forum.