Ltz400 ??


May 24, 2010
sup guys ? so i really want a z400 i just like everything about them
so a few questions!lol
are they much faster then blasters?
do they get more miles per gallon?
are they reliable?
how often do they need rebuilds?
also is there anything i should look out for when buying one ? thanks! I:I I:I
Stock for stock they probably make like 10hp more than a Blaster. My brother and I had one for awhile. Never had a problem with it.
Miles per galloon on a quad is pretty much determined by how you ride.
Something to look out for when buying one is that it's not stolen.
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I owned a z400 from fall of 04 til spring 09, I bought it brand new & added a Big Gun race exhaust, removed the airbox lid, regeared for more low end, a Dynatek rev box & jetted it...ran like a beast & was a total wheelie machine! The only thing i ever had problems with was the starter went out twice in the time i had it. Ended up selling it because all my friends got rid of their quads so i had no one to ride with not to mention me & my fiance were waiting on our daughter to be born. Needless to say I wish I would have never sold it & would love to own another 1 someday!
Oh i forgot to add that mine would probably go 60 or more miles on a full tank & depending how hard i was riding, I never had to rebuild it in over 4 years & it always fired right up unless of course the starter clutch had went out! Overall its a very solid machine & I have to say that it would eat a stock blaster far as speed, mine used to top out at 74 miles an hour before i regeared...sorry i didn't add all this in my last post!
I read that they have problems with the coolant corroding some of the internals. Just google the quad and look for common problems. I do before i buy any car or quad or bike for that matter.
they seem like a good bike. for trail riding reverse owns no reverse... take that from someone who has bike with both lol. don't spin it hard enough or it's too rocky and you'll eat your tires, you can turn it around without all the jumping off and pushing in neutral lol. specifically on muddy rocky trails that're rolling hills of rock and mud (went riding today, thank goodness I had the sense to run the raptor) trail ended up being blocked by tree's on a hard downhill on slippery mudded out rocks lmfao I even stalled the raptor in reverse 2 or 3 times trying to get IT out of the mess... swear next time I'm bringing my cordless sawzall and just hacking fallen tree's outta the trail lmfao..

I'd say depends on the riding you wanna do, but the blaster should be easier to rebuild should you ever need to tear the motor apart...