Looking for black Plastics !


New Member
Jul 12, 2012
Does anyone know where I can get plain black plastics in good condition not expecting mint condition I am making a monster energy blaster pictures will be uploaded soon !!
maier mfg. has lots of plastic! or you can find a set used plastics on ebay or paint the ones you have now
I have a set of all black without the hood! so you could get my plastic and the other guys hood.
what year for the black plastics without the hood I am not looking to do much modifications the the plastics to get it to work I just wanna strap it on
Painting plastics can be a real PITA. To do it right your going to have a lot money in adhesion promoter and paint. And any year blaster plastics will work for you. They all will bolt up just fine.
See I am glad theres guys like you that know stuff about blasters you get some rep my friend lol I never knew that !