Long Travel Elkas, Race Motors, Nerfs, Airbox, Race Plastics, and more!

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how much for the stock race cut blue ones? any hand gaurds, any new reeds k&n's, foam filters. any reed spacers, v force reed kits?
whoever can get ahold of the motor thats in that pink blaster wont be let down. that motor straight rips, raced the guy a couple times and he was passing my buddies honda 440 on the backstretch of the track , and thts no lie
whoever can get ahold of the motor thats in that pink blaster wont be let down. that motor straight rips, raced the guy a couple times and he was passing my buddies honda 440 on the backstretch of the track , and thts no lie

Whoever gets any of the motors is getting a good one. I:I I'll probably buy one myself possibly.
whats the cheapest you can do on those orange race plastics and bumper shipped to 12754 mainly the plastics
i dont want the bumper sorry can you give me a deal on the pipe to 12754 gotta sell my fmf first
ill buy the pipe off of that race blaster..

I'll talk to Shawn, and see about parting it out. I got allot of tire kickers wanting parts off of it, but no one seems to want even make offers on the parts. We have got to have a decent amount of interest to part this bike out. If we can get $1500 in parts sold off of it, then there will be no reason not to part it. I am sure I can talk him into parting it then. That shouldn't be hard to do. There are allot of big ticket items on this bike. So everyone feel free to send me offers on the pink bike parts!
pm me on engine's that might be left. price and hours on em ty. or maybe that bottom end 2. i have 2 leave out tomorrow for work might be gone a week
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