long crazy day riding... truck jumps!!!!


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
went out riding all day today... hit up a ice oval and sucked!!! my rear tires have way to much traction!! i couldnt keep it sideways threw the whole corners. so in the morning im pullin some studs out of the rears to free up some sliding.

buddy came out with his 350x trike.. all stock except for studded mud lites, and a clark tank... BEAST!! he was drag racing a warrior.. my buddy hit 3rd cranked a wheeelie and walked away from the warrior well shiftin threw the rest of the gears!!

next we were riding the river.and what passes us.... a naughty trx 250r... soooo my buddy give chase.... 3 miles or straights and corners and the 350x was on the trx's tail the whole time!! only time the trx put any ground on him was the long straights!! the 350x isnt heavy studded ether.. 2 year old kold cutters.. only about 150 per rear tire.. i managed to keep up in some sections with them but didnt have a chance in straight lines!

we go out onto the lake and start jumping the ice shove on the lake.. got some good air on the 200x...

thaaannn a buddy of mine decided to jump some of his junkers... here are the vids...

YES he stops abruptly due to a tree!!!
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this guy has allways done dumb sh*t.. but worse stuff in his drinking days.. stood in a bon fire, had to get skin graphs, let a truck do a break stand on his foot when he was wearing steel toes, wore a kids super man costume and stood out by the street dancing for traffic, well ppl were shootin him with a bb gun. the list goes on
dude....how big were the tires on that thing? looks like some serious cutting to make them fit.....really makes me want to go pick up an old fullsize chevy for doing some trails/hauling the blasty