haha just wanted to say this is still holding strong as the day i did it also works freekin AWESOME. i was a bit concerned i was going to rip it off but nope. just that little bit of extra storage has been great more than once. I:II:I
Nice idea there noob, if you have other stuff in there like a spanner and you don't want it hopping around in the inside then use a rag and roll every thing up in it
to the guys that said they wanted to do this here is a ebay auction for the snowmobile tool box i used at a decent price. this is the first one ive seen pop up that was under $50..... some people are nuts
what i do is i have a lil 1 gal gas can that fits perfict in my front bumper but u gotta lossen the top bolt a lil bit to getit in and out but it works good and dont fall out