LOL, i put a trunk on my blaster.

haha just wanted to say this is still holding strong as the day i did it also works freekin AWESOME. i was a bit concerned i was going to rip it off but nope. just that little bit of extra storage has been great more than once. I:II:I
im goin makin a aluminium box for repair tools when im out!
makin it so that it can bolt on and off the stock rear grab bar...!!!!!
Nice idea there noob, if you have other stuff in there like a spanner and you don't want it hopping around in the inside then use a rag and roll every thing up in it
what i do is i have a lil 1 gal gas can that fits perfict in my front bumper but u gotta lossen the top bolt a lil bit to getit in and out but it works good and dont fall out