listen up . .


New Member
Oct 4, 2009
ok guys this is for everybody who never really thought they had to wear a helmet. my buddys older brother crashed 2 days ago and still cant open his eyes or talk. there is a 70% chance that he will be paralyzed from the neck down and theres a chance at death. he got thrown over his bars of his quad because there was a tree in the path. please be careful out there and wear your helmet they are made for a reason.
I'm so very sorry for you and your family.
I know this is gonna sound harsh but I have no sympathy for people who hurt themselves or kill themselves because they didn't wear a helmet... they got what was comming to them.
Not good at all man.
I lost my cousin last year because he wasnt wearing a helmet. He was riding a pitbike at night on a field and he didnt see the goalpost he drove straight into at around 50mph :(
i see what your saying but nobody deserves that
I agree, thats why I have no sympathy for them. Its 100% avoidable. Last year a local woman of 35 was riding with her husband, she wasn't wearing a helmet, was on way too big of a quad for her and had little riding expiriacne<<spelling. Well she was going too fast and lost it, spilled her brains all over the pavement, died right there. Do I feel sorry for her?? no!! I feel sorry for her kids she left behind, her family, friends, and I want to strangle her husband who let her ride that big 800 pound 4x4 with little seat time and no helmet. It also makes us riders look bad, I doubt anyone in her family will ever touch a quad or bike, and will probobly hate all of us for riding.

Again I'm sorry if I sound like an ahole, I'm very sorry for your family and I hope your bro can pull through it. Best wishes man.
Sorry for your buddys bad luck.A lot of people think this wont happen to them.When it do'es.It give more power to the people that hate ATV's and want them band.Yes.there are many people that hate ATV's and want them band.Like the familys of young and older kids that get hurt bad or killed from not wearing a helmet or ridding beyond there skills.We lost 3 wheeler so far so be safe.Let your grandkids be able to buy a nice new ATV.
Sorry for your buddys bad luck.A lot of people think this wont happen to them.When it do'es.It give more power to the people that hate ATV's and want them band.Yes.there are many people that hate ATV's and want them band.Like the familys of young and older kids that get hurt bad or killed from not wearing a helmet or ridding beyond there skills.We lost 3 wheeler so far so be safe.Let your grandkids be able to buy a nice new ATV.

i agree 100% . . . thanks guys
i have too much compassion in me to just say "he got what he deserved" but it is the consequence of not wearing a helmet. when i was younger (around 12-13) and i had my last quad my parents wouldn't let me out of the house without a helmet and i HAVE wrecked and it probably saved my life.

anyway my condolences and hope he doesn't become a poster boy for 4 wheeler haters that want to get rid of our quads