lions head beer.


New Member
Aug 19, 2008
egg harbor township, new jersey
anyone have it? or heard of it. i drink it all the time now cause its 8 a 12 pack of bottles and under each cap there is a puzzle with like 3 pics that u put together to make up a sentance. its pretty great tasting i like it better then any other beer and its 8$$$$

btw the contest's should be moved to a contest section cause its always at the top of the off topic sh*t.
Ah, hahahahah ... don't like my auto bump do ya? ....enjoy yur beer :)
loll no just saying its always on the main page loll... and i hate going into the off topic i just like seein it u know... i love the contest thing. its great but no the auto bump is getting old lolll... its cool though.
Used to drink it all the time in college its great beer

No wonder why he thinks a blaster will beat a banshee,cause he drinks cheap beer.Make it to 21 and then maybe you can talk about beer little boy.
lmfao, seems alot of younger guys have bikes... some really nice too. wth, I need to just suck it up and get something worthy for my sig lol

as for lions head. nah, never yurned to try it... never will I don't think... I think malt liquer is cheap if you're into cheap buzzes.. around here thats what we drank back in high school... mickeys is always a favorite.