Lads lame attempt at a donut


Staff member
Jul 18, 2011
eastern australia
I say lame attempt at a donut but it was his first go.

Excuse the poor quality as it was taken on a $2 camera

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Thats me shouting useless information at the end, because thats what dads do!:D:D:D
That wasn't that bad! Once he gets the lean goin it'll get easier!

How's the leg doin??

He had only been riding for about a week, and he had to try out the DMC pipe.

Leg is still sore, and recent ultrasound shows substancial muscle tears and re-arrangment. Still have to spend lots of time with it up, as it swells up when I stand for more than a few minutes.
x2, i thought they were pretty good doughnuts
He too is 14yrs old, and pretty light.

With some practice he can now get it to 4th gear, but it dies in 5th. Need a BBK :)