kx 250


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here you go you pictures whores ;)



im gonna wash it tomarrow i cant find my damn brush
yea i hate it. my dads 25yr old antique wont build up pressure but when it works its awesome i always wash everything with that but its better than nothing
oh so youur paying a dollar a cc lmao id go for it. what year is it? go sit on it and see how it feels. its a totally differant beast than aircooled engines, if your not in the powerband your making no power
yea like i said the powers awesome id go for it and if it was too big sell it for a profit. what years the bike?
yea my step bro friend has a rm 250 and i had to put the chain on it for him and it was running like sh*t didnt have no power til like 1/2 3/4 throttle then once the powerband hit it felt like it was gonna fly out from under me and im only like 115 120lb.im tryin to get him to bring it over and give me 20 bucks to clean out his carb.the kid didnt even know how to put a chain on it
the bike is a 88 but brand new tires, exhaust, swinger, chain, oil, bars, top end, shocks, and i can get the 08 stile plastics for it, its a kx250 for 250
idk its so tall i dont think i can sit on it right now
im only like 5'4 5'5, hah but i want it bad
the bike is a 88 but brand new tires, exhaust, swinger, chain, oil, bars, top end, shocks, and i can get the 08 stile plastics for it, its a kx250 for 250
idk its so tall i dont think i can sit on it right now
im only like 5'4 5'5, hah but i want it bad

5'5? your way to tiny for that bike!
5'5? your way to tiny for that bike!

lol dude but the suspension is like pretty low, if he jumps it, it bottems out, im thinking going looking at it. i want it and its the only bike im gunna get for this good of a price, cause i mean really were are you gunna find a 250 for 250 bucks? i can always store it then get it out once i fit it,np or well idk im
5'5 and weight like 140-145 so idk
yea im begining to love it more and more... i went across a hay field today just throwing roosts haha i gotta go easy no though otherwise theyll close the trail :(