kx 250


New Member
Apr 2, 2008
yep got a guy bringing a 01 kx250 over to trade for my 400ex and hes gonna give me $350 if he likes my 400 im excited the bike is mint and needs nothing wish me luck.. any bad info on these?
yea i took it across my field hauling ass with the front tire not touching. the guy said he wanted to think about it because of the fenders i told him give me $200 instead and buy a set of fenders so idk hopefully he calls me back
Hopefully you get it man dirtbikes are crazy fast!!! My dad couldent even keep up with my 125 on his 400. Good Luck!
ok well the kids coming tomarrow to trade im excited but im not sure if the gf wants to go for a ride i have no way of taking her
yea i would upload pic's but i dont have a photobucket or anything can someone help me out?