i cant find the race, but i know they did it, cause the section of the track where all the logs were is so bumpy, and in such an okward way too lol
i was boredi in lunch today, and decided that i would bet my friends that i could split an apple in half with just my fingure. so i won. lol heres how.
How to split an apple with your finger - YouTube
You know way too much about that.
I thought wrestling was a stiff core and Ju Jitsu was for tricky hips. I:I
you think thats cool. i legit can rip a phonebook in half I:I
haha, first time i did it i was like "oh sh*t, im a monster haha" seems much more lame now though.
karate for 4 years nowI:I which also saved me when i wrecked.......
well if you want to get tehinactial, wrestlling its self is its own martial art. if is a very popular form of martial art in many places. but also in indegionious countryes and places, its not called wresting. grappling, sumo, is a common way most ppl know it, and im pretty sure judo is part of grappling. idk i will have to ask my teacher next time i see him. but really wrestling and ju jitsu are completly different. ju jitsu is "im going to hurt u, and u wont move after" kind of mindset ( i know, casue we implement certain techniques from ju jitsu, and there VERY grusome), wrestling is more of a sport than anyting else and is based on a point system, or if ur in say sumo, its pinted, but its looked at in honor rather than who won cause of points. its still considered a martial art, but schools dont look at it that way. also from what u said, wrestling is "fighting" on your stomach, while ju jitsu is on your back if u are defending.
lmao! i find funny is that they use to hold strong man competions on tv (i think it was strong man....) of the ripping phone books, and edventually someone thought of the trick to get it done faster
Nothing to argue about there, but I would like to add two things. Ju Jitsu isn't I'm going to hurt you and you won't move aftward, it is offense by defense. You attack me, I use your movements to my advantage. It is also ending a fight very quickly and very definitively, I dislocate your elbow, shoulder, knee and you know not to mess with me next time....at least not by yourself. Most time though, it is choking an opponent out so you can get away and there are no marks that make you guilty of assault. Then of course, good ju jitsu isn't fighting off your back, it is ground and pound, softening up your opponent until they give up or you choke them out....really depends on your school of training. It is self defense, but with joint manipulation as an offense, not striking. Judo is Ju Jitsu, they just have prettier throws, but they still have submissions which is where BJJ adopted their moves from....that goes way back in the lineage before the samurai warrior was born. Is it brutal, yes at times, just like a roundhouse kick to the liver that you learned in Karate, that has been known to kill men by tearing or causing so much damage to the liver it cannot heal, or kidney shots. All martial arts are dangerous, even wrestling can be with...but I will admit, wrestling is the safer of the martial arts...of course, shoot, I played basketball. Wrestling and JJ are not that different, they are both grappling, except JJ has very primitive striking and wrestling does not. I didn't say wrestling was fighting, I said it was stiff core, or strong core to hold your opponent down and maybe rough them up a bit.
I laugh because anything other than walking is a Martial Art...running, shooting a weapon, hand to hand combat, spear chucking...swimming even. I like them all, but I like knowing I can end a fight quickly and definitively....I don't like to fight, I don't like to hurt people, but I like living and being healthy. And of course I love to watch a good MMA match. I:I
Nothing to argue about there, but I would like to add two things. Ju Jitsu isn't I'm going to hurt you and you won't move aftward, it is offense by defense. You attack me, I use your movements to my advantage. It is also ending a fight very quickly and very definitively, I dislocate your elbow, shoulder, knee and you know not to mess with me next time....at least not by yourself. Most time though, it is choking an opponent out so you can get away and there are no marks that make you guilty of assault. Then of course, good ju jitsu isn't fighting off your back, it is ground and pound, softening up your opponent until they give up or you choke them out....really depends on your school of training. It is self defense, but with joint manipulation as an offense, not striking. Judo is Ju Jitsu, they just have prettier throws, but they still have submissions which is where BJJ adopted their moves from....that goes way back in the lineage before the samurai warrior was born. Is it brutal, yes at times, just like a roundhouse kick to the liver that you learned in Karate, that has been known to kill men by tearing or causing so much damage to the liver it cannot heal, or kidney shots. All martial arts are dangerous, even wrestling can be with...but I will admit, wrestling is the safer of the martial arts...of course, shoot, I played basketball. Wrestling and JJ are not that different, they are both grappling, except JJ has very primitive striking and wrestling does not. I didn't say wrestling was fighting, I said it was stiff core, or strong core to hold your opponent down and maybe rough them up a bit.
I laugh because anything other than walking is a Martial Art...running, shooting a weapon, hand to hand combat, spear chucking...swimming even. I like them all, but I like knowing I can end a fight quickly and definitively....I don't like to fight, I don't like to hurt people, but I like living and being healthy. And of course I love to watch a good MMA match. I:I
He didn't tell you his "phone book" was his "little black book" that he had to destroy before his then girlfriend found it.![]()
agreed. seems like u studied before?
yes its like using opponets momentum to your advantage. sounds easy, but it takes years and years. also thats what Aikido is all about. its very intersting, but very diffucult.
what was that about not being able to walk away? lol![]()
also in our style that i study isshinryu which constists of shorin and goju, our primary target is the solar plexis of the body. its extreamly painful and takes your breath away if u get hit there perfectable. also on any man, that is the weakes part of the upper body, because there is no musle there, and its one giant bundle of nurves that circulate the body.
well ur half rite on tat last part...... ther not considered a "martial" art. they are all considered an "Art" Martial insists on fighting, not the deffenation, but insisted by people. and "Art" is basically anything that involes extream skills, more than what is has to be to be called a sport.
the thing about MMA is that you are agenst one person in a cage with rules, and a ref to stop the fight at any time. that NEVER happends in reality. its more like until they stop, help comes, or somehting else happends. js tho I:I not arguing with anything
Yeah, definitely not arguing, this is a good intellectual discussion about passions beyond quads.
I'm a purple belt in BJJ and I've trained a little in Muay Thai and a little kick boxing. I was trying to think of Aikido earlier, that is a very beautiful Martial Art, you barely have to touch someone and you can send them flying. Martial is basically, "trained beyond normal use". So if you are a marksmen, you are Martial, because you've practice to be a better shot than a hunter...per say.
I don't like training in Arts that have forms and Katas, that is the white man watering it down and giving levels of progress. Did you know, in most other countries, a black belt just means you are training, and red belt means master/sensai/teacher? There is no white, yellow, blue, green, purple or brown belts. In Brasil, if you bring your blue, purple or brown belt with you, you will get the classes #1 student and they will send you home in a cast on purpose, they hate how America has done that to their passion. In Thailand, if you bring a belt, they will beat you up so bad you can't walk for a week.
MMA is a good test of one's skills and mental hardness, nothing more nothing less. Don't get me wrong, I watch it religiously because I hate other reality TV...except the hot young women, not girls, on American Idol (that's right, I watch AI), it is the only form of true REALITY tv. You fight, you either win or lose, depends on how you listen to your coaches, how hard you train and how well you improvise (Heart Break Ridge, Eastwood was awesome in that).
I will add, my form of striking is either 5 on 2 or a swift kick or punch to the nuts...it's hard to be hit when they are grabbing for their boys. Punch a tough bastard in the solar plexis and he might just walk thru it...not the nuts unless they are implants.![]()