Kick start


New Member
Oct 19, 2011
I have a 1988 blaster and it started to blow heavy white smoke, and after reading up on it figured it to be the crank seals. So i changed them out. After doing so and replacing the oil. I started it once, someone i was with said they heard something when i started it, so i turned it off and tryed to start it up again but this time it wouldnt start and then the kick start stopped going down completely. Any ideas?
Check your reeds then your compression... I have how to vids on my youtube page on a complete blaster engine rebuild. Check it out if you need to inspect the kickstart assembly.
does the motor still turn over if you push the bike in gear?

are you unable to kick the motor, ie, does the kicker not go down?

if the kicker is not returning, then the kicker return spring inside the clutch cover is likely to have either dislodged or snapped. get yourself a copy of the downloadable manual in the general support section to see how to correctly install the kicker assembly and spring.

lets hope your problem is the latter, as the formaer indicte a siezed piston.
oh dear, thats not good. If you put the bike in gear can you roll it through the compression cycle?

take out your spark plug and see what it looks like, you can also take off the exhaust and shine a light up the port to see what the piston looks like.

Take off the flywheel cover and try rotate the motor with a spanner on the crankshaft nut.
Thank you im going to try. Im at school now, so when i go back on the weekend ill try. But worst case scenario how much is it going to cost me to fix what ever is wrong.
Try rolling the Blaster while it is in gear. If the piston really is seized, it won't roll. The only way a seized bike will roll in gear is if the chain is off or the rod is broke.

If your piston is seized you'll most likely have to do a complete top end rebuild.
I'm completely new at quads. How much would rebuilding the top end cost? and also where could i find the parts?
best place for cheap parts is ebay, but it depends where you are, if you in the states, its easy for you.

This is just a quick ebay search: Yamaha Blaster Wiseco .020 Piston Gaskets Bearing Kit | eBay includes: piston, rings, top roller bearing, wrist pin, all gaskets you will need.

If you search around, you likely to find one cheaper.

Ad onto that labour cost of getting it rebored and you set, granted you do the rebuild yourself.

But first you need to figure out if its broken, then open it up and get to a reliable shop where they can tell you what size piston you need to order
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