I'm right on the edge of putting the stock pipe on and running a 270 main with my custom intake. But, I also might keep everything the same except the intake and go put it back to stock and just re-jet. I know what my problem was, it was leaking from the base gasket, again....To hell with a leak down tester. I'm gonna put a stock gasket on it. I'm gonna use HP2 32:1 mix and use 87 octane gas. I'm possibly thinking of buying a Namura piston for cheaper but these wiseco's just do not hold up. Even on my waverunner, wiseco's didnt hold up, but the stock pistons have been in it for 4 years now, they wiseco's didnt last but 2 years....piece's of sh*t is what i call wiseco. sorry for the language but geeze. i have went through 6 top ends, $3000 was spent on this blaster and still, nothing has worked.