well i just did a plug chop what do u guys think go up a size down a size or leave it where it is
If this is what I'm thinking.....when you do this do you have to be WOT or near WOT and in what gear?
Wide open till 5th gear and then shut it down and pull the plug to check it.That is the supposedly correct way.But to be honest,I am a firm believer that you need ride it for atleast 5 min to get an accurate reading.30-40 seconds of riding never gives you an accurate plug reading.IMO
Wide open till 5th gear and then shut it down and pull the plug to check it.That is the supposedly correct way.But to be honest,I am a firm believer that you need ride it for atleast 5 min to get an accurate reading.30-40 seconds of riding never gives you an accurate plug reading.IMO
Hudack,the pic is tough to see clearly but from the looks of it I would go up one size also.
^^^^^^agreed!^^^^ I leave the olde plug in and ride for at leat 15 minutes ghet it good and hot, then get burnt, while I put in a fresh new plug, and then do the chop at WOT shutn it off while pulling in the clutch roll till ya stop-get burnt again taking the plug out- and go from there.I:I
glad to see you're moving in the right direction man. that's pretty close